Outside of the Gospel itself, nothing, and I do mean nothing, has affected my life more profoundly than the ramifications of discovering Christian classical education. I will not be surprised to learn that you may now or may soon come to share this same experience. Methodologically solid, biblically accountable Christian classical education is very much the order of the day.

To an historian, the recent resurgence of classical methodology in education is no surprise. When Johnny can’t read, rite or do his ’rithmetic but feels good about it, someone is bound to notice and go looking for an alternative. Thankfully, God has graciously provided us with a written historical record of a time-proven method in the Trivium.

Dorothy Sayers, a mid-twentieth-century writer and medieval historian, lamented the fact that this three-fold method of teaching the grammar, dialectic and then rhetoric of any discipline had been virtually abandoned. And no wonder. The scholarly work of the Renaissance and Reformation is quite unmatched in our day. Why? Because we simply do not think well. We have not been taught to think. Today, proponents of the Trivium are once again seeing their children blossom in ways they never thought possible by applying this instructional system to the education of their children.